Thursday, 1 December 2011

Minutess meeting 6

Project: Finchingfield Guildhall


1029251 Martin Wu

0906963 Alex Shearcroft

0920282 Justinas Jonuska

Subject: Group meeting

Date: 1th November 2011

Time: 10:00

Place: University library


Continue animating the scenes. Finish animating by Monday.
Everyone has to do test renders.

Minutes of Meeting 5

Project: Finchingfield Guildhall


1029251 Martin Wu

0906963 Alex Shearcroft

0920282 Justinas Jonuska

Subject: Animation

Date: 24th November 2011

Time: 09:00

Place: Sawyers 303c


Animations settings to be used : 25fps HDTV 1280x720
Building the scenes for animations
Everyone has to create lights for their scenes
Justin has to set up the room inside walls and give to to others on Monday

Martin Wu has to animate the camera, fireplace, doors for his parts

Alex Shearcroft has to animate the cameras, biped, wall and doors

Justinas Jonuska has to animate the cameras and biped, walls.

Minutes meeting 4

Project: Finchingfield Guildhall


1029251 Martin Wu

0906963 Alex Shearcroft

0920282 Justinas Jonuska

Subject: Group meeting

Date: 21th November 2011

Time: 09:00

Place: Sawyers 303c


Continue to apply materials to the objects, plan out the animation, create storyboards for personal animation parts.

Martin Wu has to animate the library,museum and gift shop located in the ground floor of the Guildhall

Alex Shearcroft has to animate the walkthrough from ground floor stairs up and around the 1st floor of the Guildhall.

Justinas Jonuska has to animate the exterior and space redevelopment of the ground and 1st floor of the Guildhall